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General information

School-based vocational training: Fachmaturitätsschule (FMS)

The Fachmaturitätsschule (Specialised Matura School) focuses on six occupational fields:

  • health/natural sciences

  • pedagogy

  • social work

  • design/art, music/theatre/dance and

  • communication/media.

Entry conditions depend on which path you attended and on your grades. An entrance examination may be necessary. See the exact conditions for your specific case on their website.

At FMS students receive a general education and specialise in one area. It is often considered a good alternative to the gymnasium for students who want to continue a general education, but with a more practical emphasis.

A lot of effort is put into helping the students find the best track for future studies, information events are held throughout the year; students are encouraged to reflect on their own strengths and explore areas of interest.

After three years students receive a Fachmittelschulausweis, and after four years a Fachmaturität (specialised matura).

After graduating from an FMS, you can continue on to study physiotherapy, ergotherapy, nursing, medical emergency assistance, midwifery, dietetics, radiology, biomedical analytics, food technology, physical education, social work, psychology, police, primary school teacher-training, art and design, acting, music, dance, journalism, tourism, interpreting, facility management, etc.

In Basel, the FMS is in the Gellert area (Engelgasse 120)

Everyday life

All students follow the same curriculum during the first year with German, extra German support, French, English, the Individual and Society, geography, mathematics, biology, computer science, sport, music, art, technical design.

From the second year students start to take specialised subjects: chemistry, physics, pedagogy, psychology, economics and law, graphic design, visual communication, media, graphic design, dance, etc. The specialisation takes up 7.5 lessons a week in the second year and 9 lessons a week during the third year.

Special events include: job presentations, project weeks, health information days, theatre, concerts, work experience and internships, language study abroad, research paper, sports day and three weeks on a farm.

Learning Methods and objectives

Translated from the German version of the ‘Mission of the FMS Basel.’ found here.

  • The FMS supports students in the process of choosing a career, and gives them the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful during their studies at Höhere Fachschule or Fachhochschule.

  • The FMS ensures a broad and in-depth general education, while encouraging students to develop their intellectual, practical and physical skills.

  • A strong emphasis is placed on self-competence and social skills. They are continuously developed so that students can later take responsibility in the community.

  • Young men and women of all social backgrounds are equally supported, according to their individual needs.

  • The FMS sees itself as a school for motivated and committed young The school administration, teachers, technical staff and students work under this assumption. Co- and self- responsibility of all are expected to support successful learning, the school’s culture and the overall environment.

  • Through cooperation, the school administration, staff and students all work to provide a stimulating and pleasant school atmosphere conducive to learning and work. Health-promoting measures are implemented regularly.

What about german?

Elementary knowledge of German is required. German support is built into the programme.

Parents: If your child needs more support, discuss this directly with the school – the earlier the better.

Lunch and after school?

There is a cafeteria at the school. The students are free to come and go as they wish. The school offers a range of after school activities.

What next?

With the Fachmittleschulausweis, you will have access to Höheren Fachschulen in areas related to your specialisation.

With a Fachmaturität, you have access to Fachhochschule (university of applied sciences) in the areas of specialisation. But before choosing your specialisation, check the conditions for entering the various departments of the Fachhochschule. This is why it is a good idea to discuss your choice with someone from the Berufsberatung well ahead of time.

CAREFUL: with a Fachmaturität (specialised Maturity), you cannot enter the Passerelle year, to then go on to university or a university of applied sciences in another area from that of your specialisation. If you want to continue in university, you will have to have a full maturity.